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Maine Lakefront Property
Our Maine lakefront experts are standing by to help you. Views and news about Maine lakes and lakefront homes See why the Mr. Lakefront team provides superior information and unsurpassed service Read the latest news about lakes and ponds across the state Educate yourself about buying lakefront property Find information about hundreds of Maine lakes and ponds Browse available Maine lakefront properties

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Lake Regions of Maine

The Rangeley Lakes Region

For years, the Rangeley Lakes Region has attracted visitors who yearn for a quiet escape from the faster tempos of regular life. Located 4 1/2 hours from Boston, just travelling here can give one a true sense of "getting away from it all". Nestled in the western mountains of Maine and off the beaten path, the Rangeley Lakes Region offers an experience that can not be found in the more southern or coastal areas of the state. The terrain here is different - the hills, valleys, and mountains are more numerous. Lakes and ponds of all sizes are found here and the fishing is still the best in Maine. But perhaps the most impressionable feature of this area is the simple fact that there aren't that many people here and, consequently, fewer of the trappings of a contemporary society that accompany more populated areas. For those who crave peace and solitude, who revel in the majesty of Nature, and who long for a home or a getaway situated somewhere less touched by civilization, the Rangeley Lakes Region is that place.

The Rangeley Lakes include a half dozen large lakes and many smaller lakes and ponds. The larger lakes are Rangeley Lake (6302 acres / 149 feet deep), Mooselookmeguntic and Cupsuptic Lakes (16,359 acres / 132' ), Upper and Lower Richardson Lakes (7751 acres / 108' ), Aziscohos Lake (6872 acres / 60' ), Umbagog Lake (7767 acres / 48' ) which straddles the New Hampshire border, and Kennebago Lake (1764 acres / 28' ). Twenty-five miles to the northeast sits Flagstaff lake (17,380 acres / 48' ).

The two towns at the center of this region are Rangeley and, five miles to its west, Oquossoc. Together, their year round residents barely number 1000. There are, however, ample places to stay in the area and no end to the things you can do all year long - provided, of course, you enjoy outdoor recreation.

Lakefront Locator will get you to available listings in the Rangeley Lakes Region. LakeSmart is a research tool that will give you important information about area lakes. Remember, you can change the house but you can't change the location. So, do your homework! If you have a question or need a friend in the business let us know. We love Maine's lakes and ponds and want to share them with you.

The Lakefront Experts at Mr Lakefront.

37 Roosevelt Trail . PO Box 970 . South Casco . ME 04077
Phone: 207-655-8787 . E-mail: info@mrlakefront.net