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Lake Regions of Maine

The Lincoln Region

This region is anchored by the town of Lincoln, which sits just off the Interstate on the western edge of this area, and a well-known body of water called West Grand Lake. This whole area is the east side of central Maine and has many lakes and ponds, but few towns and villages. North and east of Bangor and south and east of Katahdin, it runs from the Interstate in the west to the Canadian border and the Province of New Brunswick in the east. Fishing and canoeing are the main areas of interest here along with the wonderful Maine wilderness experience you find in these more remote regions.

The major lakes and ponds in the region are found in the southeastern part, an area fairly remote and unpopulated. Find here the already mentioned West Grand Lake, also Nicatous Lake, Sysladobsis Lake, Junior Lake, and Big Lake. There are a couple of interesting groups of smaller lakes named First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Machias Lakes, and also First, Second and Third Chain Lakes.

Just outside of Lincoln are several small ponds, all in a group. They are Mattanawcook Pond, Crooked Pond, Folsom Pond, and Silver Lake. Then, just north of Rte. 6, find Stump Pond, Center Pond, Caribou Pond, Egg Pond, Long Pond, and Cambolasse Pond. Further to the east of here, nearer the Canadian border, find east and west Musquash Lake, Pleasant Lake, Baskahegan Lake, and Grand Lake.

The northern part of this area has fewer lakes and ponds, but several small towns. Travelling northeast away from Lincoln come to the towns and villages of Mattawamkeag, Macwahoc, Wytopitlock, and Danforth on the Canadian border. Travel for miles in this area without seeing much in the way of population - just vistas of forested hills, country roads, lakes and ponds, and abundant wildlife.

Lakefront Locator will get you to available listings in the Lincoln Region. LakeSmart is a research tool that will give you important information about area lakes. Remember, you can change the house but you can't change the location. So, do your homework! If you have a question or need a friend in the business let us know. We love Maine's lakes and ponds and want to share them with you.

The Lakefront Experts at Mr Lakefront.

37 Roosevelt Trail . PO Box 970 . South Casco . ME 04077
Phone: 207-655-8787 . E-mail: info@mrlakefront.net