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Maine Lakefront Property
Our Maine lakefront experts are standing by to help you. Views and news about Maine lakes and lakefront homes See why the Mr. Lakefront team provides superior information and unsurpassed service Read the latest news about lakes and ponds across the state Educate yourself about buying lakefront property Find information about hundreds of Maine lakes and ponds Browse available Maine lakefront properties

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Lake Regions of Maine

The Bangor Region

The Bangor Region is centrally located - and some would say, ideally located - in the state of Maine as it serves as the gateway to the Katahdin/Baxter State Park area to the north and the Bar Harbor/Acadia National Park to the south. The area is surrounded by all the natural beauty that Maine is famous for - our rugged ocean coastline, majestic mountains, a mighty river - the Penobscot, and many beautiful, clean, scenic lakes and ponds. Bangor, central Maine's queen city, was once the lumber capital of the world. Now it has a more cosmopolitan flavor, featuring many fine restaurants, interesting shops, and much in the way of cultural events and performing arts.

The Maine Turnpike bisects this region, providing easy access to all its lakes and ponds. From Dover-Foxcroft, Milo, and Howland in the north to Bucksport and Unity in the south, the Bangor Region features many small towns and many attractive lakes and ponds as well. The larger ones to look for are Sebec Lake, Sebasticook Lake, Pushaw Lake, and Branch Lake. Some of the popular smaller lakes and ponds are Phillips Lake, Green Lake, Lake Winnecook, and Cold Stream Pond. These area lakes and ponds have been enjoyed by locals for generations and are now becoming discovered by people "from away" as places to retreat to while providing a jumping off place to discover the natural wonders of Maine that lie within easy driving distance.

Lakefront Locator will get you to available listings in the Bangor Region. LakeSmart is a research tool that will give you important information about area lakes. Remember, you can change the house, but you can't change the location. So, do your homework! If you have a question or need a friend in the business let us know. We love Maine's lakes and ponds and want to share them with you.

The Lakefront Experts at Mr Lakefront.

37 Roosevelt Trail . PO Box 970 . South Casco . ME 04077
Phone: 207-655-8787 . E-mail: info@mrlakefront.net